Battle in Athens
Source - 1st parachute Company log.
Courtesy - Mr. Graeme Deeley [UK]
Photographs supplied by Mike & Peter Hudson [UK]
and Niels Pederson [Denmark]
Company structure
200 personnel
Number 1 platoon [Assyrian]
Number 2 platoon [Assyrian]
Number 3 platoon [Kurdish]
Number 4 support platoon [Assyrian]
Background information;
After German withdrawal from Greece in 1944, the two resistance forces the E.A.M. and the E.L.A.S. [communist guerrilla forces] joined together to attempt the overthrow of the Greek Government Loyalist forces. A Civil war broke out which caused Winston Churchill a great deal of concern, fearing a communist Government in Greece he ordered British forces to intervene, under command of Lt General Ronald Scobie they entered Athens on the 14th Oct 1944 and four days later they had their first clash with communist forces.
After German withdrawal from Greece in 1944, the two resistance forces the E.A.M. and the E.L.A.S. [communist guerrilla forces] joined together to attempt the overthrow of the Greek Government Loyalist forces. A Civil war broke out which caused Winston Churchill a great deal of concern, fearing a communist Government in Greece he ordered British forces to intervene, under command of Lt General Ronald Scobie they entered Athens on the 14th Oct 1944 and four days later they had their first clash with communist forces.
I'm looking over Major Hudson's papers at Peter Hudson's flat in Paris [below]
December 7th 1944
1125hrs- first of twelve planes [DC’s] took off from Brindisi Aerodrome, 1st Levy parachute company on board. At
1430hrs- ten planes landed at Hassani Aerodrome in Greece, two turned back due to bad weather. On the ground they were met by a RAF Regiment Warrant Officer and shown into billets, each platoon to one Billet.
Dec 8th the remaining planes arrived, all company now in Hassani. Dec 9th, company asked to supply guards for prisoners and two cages were organized, a small cage to house 300 prisoners and a large cage to fit 1300.
10th, 0330hrs- all prisoners arrive; by 0400 the prisoners in the large cage became noisy and started hurling rocks at the sentries. Platoon commander Peterson fired a burst near them with no effect, he fired again wounding a prisoner in the leg and the prisoners ceased harassing the sentries.
2200hrs - the sentries at the large cage noticed someone near the outside wire, they challenged and the person ran away, one sentry followed to investigate and trod on a German mine badly injuring his foot, the company had not been informed of mines outside the wire.
Dec 12th, 0240hrs- Three POW’s escape their cage, sentries opened fire killing one but the other two swam out to sea, one later captured. At 2030 another prisoner attempted to escape but was wounded by a sentry. For the next two days several attempts were made by prisoners to escape and were dealt with by guards.
Dec 14th, 1800hrs- Intelligence reported that Arms and ammunition were suspected of being stored in a large hospital three miles away. The company was given the task to search the Hospital and a nearby village known to have been an ELAS Head Quarters [National Popular Liberation Army - Greek Communist Forces]. No. 3 platoon [Kurdish] was ordered to carry out this task.
Dec 15th 1000hrs, Hospital was searched and nothing found. Village was then searched and some ammunition and British bayonets were found and confiscated, no resistance.
Dec 18th 1400hrs- Company is to take part in operations in Athens under command of 2/4 Hampshire’s 28 infantry Brigade, Guard duty was taken over by the Northumberland Fusiliers. The company was to take part in an attack the next day at 0630 and they were to clear and occupy a block of houses, under their command were a Sherman Tank and a section of Royal Engineers to dispose of any booby traps.
Dec 19th 0430- Company moved out in Motor Transport and arrived at 2/4 Hampshire’s H.Q. at 0530. The objective they were told was a block of houses bounded by Botsari and Kiriakou Roads.
0615- The Company moved out on foot to the brewery, fifteen minutes later, the commanding officer with No.1 platoon [Assyrian] and two engineers crossed the bridge and started searching the first buildings.
0650- All company was occupying a block, they encountered no resistance. Ten minutes later a few Mortar shells fell near the bridge, a little late, the company was safely across.
0845- All platoons reported their sections clear with only minor sniping encountered, the Sherman Tank was used to patrol the main roads and deal with the snipers.
1050hrs- the enemy commenced serious sniping in area of No; 2 platoon [Assyrian] Killing one Levy [Pte Monas Giwargis] and wounding another, the tank was called in and by 1230 the firing ceased.
1900hrs- members of No; 2 platoon shot a civilian and disarmed him. Several patrols were sent out, some engaged the enemy in short firefights and sniping was reported throughout the day.
1125hrs- first of twelve planes [DC’s] took off from Brindisi Aerodrome, 1st Levy parachute company on board. At
1430hrs- ten planes landed at Hassani Aerodrome in Greece, two turned back due to bad weather. On the ground they were met by a RAF Regiment Warrant Officer and shown into billets, each platoon to one Billet.
Dec 8th the remaining planes arrived, all company now in Hassani. Dec 9th, company asked to supply guards for prisoners and two cages were organized, a small cage to house 300 prisoners and a large cage to fit 1300.
10th, 0330hrs- all prisoners arrive; by 0400 the prisoners in the large cage became noisy and started hurling rocks at the sentries. Platoon commander Peterson fired a burst near them with no effect, he fired again wounding a prisoner in the leg and the prisoners ceased harassing the sentries.
2200hrs - the sentries at the large cage noticed someone near the outside wire, they challenged and the person ran away, one sentry followed to investigate and trod on a German mine badly injuring his foot, the company had not been informed of mines outside the wire.
Dec 12th, 0240hrs- Three POW’s escape their cage, sentries opened fire killing one but the other two swam out to sea, one later captured. At 2030 another prisoner attempted to escape but was wounded by a sentry. For the next two days several attempts were made by prisoners to escape and were dealt with by guards.
Dec 14th, 1800hrs- Intelligence reported that Arms and ammunition were suspected of being stored in a large hospital three miles away. The company was given the task to search the Hospital and a nearby village known to have been an ELAS Head Quarters [National Popular Liberation Army - Greek Communist Forces]. No. 3 platoon [Kurdish] was ordered to carry out this task.
Dec 15th 1000hrs, Hospital was searched and nothing found. Village was then searched and some ammunition and British bayonets were found and confiscated, no resistance.
Dec 18th 1400hrs- Company is to take part in operations in Athens under command of 2/4 Hampshire’s 28 infantry Brigade, Guard duty was taken over by the Northumberland Fusiliers. The company was to take part in an attack the next day at 0630 and they were to clear and occupy a block of houses, under their command were a Sherman Tank and a section of Royal Engineers to dispose of any booby traps.
Dec 19th 0430- Company moved out in Motor Transport and arrived at 2/4 Hampshire’s H.Q. at 0530. The objective they were told was a block of houses bounded by Botsari and Kiriakou Roads.
0615- The Company moved out on foot to the brewery, fifteen minutes later, the commanding officer with No.1 platoon [Assyrian] and two engineers crossed the bridge and started searching the first buildings.
0650- All company was occupying a block, they encountered no resistance. Ten minutes later a few Mortar shells fell near the bridge, a little late, the company was safely across.
0845- All platoons reported their sections clear with only minor sniping encountered, the Sherman Tank was used to patrol the main roads and deal with the snipers.
1050hrs- the enemy commenced serious sniping in area of No; 2 platoon [Assyrian] Killing one Levy [Pte Monas Giwargis] and wounding another, the tank was called in and by 1230 the firing ceased.
1900hrs- members of No; 2 platoon shot a civilian and disarmed him. Several patrols were sent out, some engaged the enemy in short firefights and sniping was reported throughout the day.

20th Dec at 1930- Lt Peterson led out a patrol, at 1945 the patrol returns to report that they had bumped into a party building a roadblock and were fired on, Lt Peterson had fallen and they believe he was killed. The commanding officer led a small party to try and find the fallen officer. They came close to the roadblock, and there was a great deal of activity but could not see Lt Peterson. The party returned and prepared to take offensive action. The commanding officer, the 2IC, CSM Hutton and two men got close to the road block and opened up with Bren and grenades. Under cover of smoke grenades, the CSM went forward to try and spot the Lieutenant but could see no sign of him and the party withdrew under enemy fire, at 0045 they were back, suffering no casualties.

Dec 21st 0900- No; 1 platoon led by Major Hudson and No; 3 platoon commanded by Lt Reeves, two Tanks and a section of Engineers moved out and started clearing houses leading up to the road block. Several Gun positions were found and were demolished by the Tanks. Lt Peterson’s Beret was found covered with blood, civilians were questioned, witnesses say he was badly wounded and a prisoner of the E.L.A.S. [National Popular Liberation Army]. A recon of the immediate area found two good positions to be used for standing patrols.
1830hrs- two patrols under Lt Reeves and the O.C. took up these positions. At 1915 they exchanged fire with ELAS forces near the roadblock and at 2000hrs all was quiet, the patrols withdrew.
2100hrs- during a patrol, Lt Boe bumped into a civilian who fired at him with a pistol and the Lieutenant returned fire with his Tommy gun killing the gunman. The next day two 2inch Mortars were sited on the road block and fired several volleys.
1830hrs- two patrols under Lt Reeves and the O.C. took up these positions. At 1915 they exchanged fire with ELAS forces near the roadblock and at 2000hrs all was quiet, the patrols withdrew.
2100hrs- during a patrol, Lt Boe bumped into a civilian who fired at him with a pistol and the Lieutenant returned fire with his Tommy gun killing the gunman. The next day two 2inch Mortars were sited on the road block and fired several volleys.

Dec 23rd Capt Clark took out a small patrol and searched three suspect houses, some German ammunition were found and three civilians were apprehended for questioning.
2000hrs- a reconnaissance patrol under Lt Reeves went out and had a short firefight, the patrol was fired on from three houses by automatic weapons, the Levies returned fire and withdrew with no casualties.
Dec 24th- two snipers from 2/4 Hampshire’s arrive and quickly get a kill but were forced to withdraw owing to Automatic fire but an ideal position was found overlooking the previous day’s firefight.
1600hrs- the Area commander visited the company to wish them a Merry Christmas. At 2200hrs a small Levy Harassing party shot up the area of the roadblock with P.I.A.T. [Projector Infantry Anti Tank] and Bren guns, the return fire was not as strong as usual. Christmas morning two snipers arrive from 2/4 Hampshire’s and took up positions overlooking the roadblock.
Dec 26th 0900hrs- the OC was called to a meeting with Field Marshal Alexander. At 1930 a small party under command of O.C. went out to harass roadblock. A PIAT bomb exploded in the tray [A common occurrence with this weapon] the OC and 2IC received a few cuts. The next day, Lt Reeves took out a patrol and searched two suspect houses and two civilians were interrogated. On the 28th sentries from No4 platoon [Assyrian] shot and wounded an ELAS gunman. Early next morning a mix patrol of Assyrian and Kurdish Levies went forward to assist 2 Kings Dragoon Guards attacking across the company’s front, during this operation a Kurdish Levy was wounded by a sniper [Pte Hussain Shiekh Mohd]. The next day two operations were carried out successfully and six ELAS’s were captured, some small arms, ammunition and grenades were also confiscated.
2000hrs- a reconnaissance patrol under Lt Reeves went out and had a short firefight, the patrol was fired on from three houses by automatic weapons, the Levies returned fire and withdrew with no casualties.
Dec 24th- two snipers from 2/4 Hampshire’s arrive and quickly get a kill but were forced to withdraw owing to Automatic fire but an ideal position was found overlooking the previous day’s firefight.
1600hrs- the Area commander visited the company to wish them a Merry Christmas. At 2200hrs a small Levy Harassing party shot up the area of the roadblock with P.I.A.T. [Projector Infantry Anti Tank] and Bren guns, the return fire was not as strong as usual. Christmas morning two snipers arrive from 2/4 Hampshire’s and took up positions overlooking the roadblock.
Dec 26th 0900hrs- the OC was called to a meeting with Field Marshal Alexander. At 1930 a small party under command of O.C. went out to harass roadblock. A PIAT bomb exploded in the tray [A common occurrence with this weapon] the OC and 2IC received a few cuts. The next day, Lt Reeves took out a patrol and searched two suspect houses and two civilians were interrogated. On the 28th sentries from No4 platoon [Assyrian] shot and wounded an ELAS gunman. Early next morning a mix patrol of Assyrian and Kurdish Levies went forward to assist 2 Kings Dragoon Guards attacking across the company’s front, during this operation a Kurdish Levy was wounded by a sniper [Pte Hussain Shiekh Mohd]. The next day two operations were carried out successfully and six ELAS’s were captured, some small arms, ammunition and grenades were also confiscated.
31st Dec 1830- New orders, 2/4 Hampshire’s and parachute company are to move to new area for further operations.
Jan 1st 1300hrs- Battalion and company moved out and arrived at Goudhi Barracks at 1500, they are to stay the night and attack the following night. The brigade will attack on a three company front, the Levies are to take right flank, their objective, the workhouse and the home for the aged [an ELAS strong hold with 110 men].
Jan 1st 1300hrs- Battalion and company moved out and arrived at Goudhi Barracks at 1500, they are to stay the night and attack the following night. The brigade will attack on a three company front, the Levies are to take right flank, their objective, the workhouse and the home for the aged [an ELAS strong hold with 110 men].
Above- a google shot from above of the complex and below what it looked like then and now.
Jan 2nd all British officers conducted a reconnaissance [Recce] of the objectives. At 1800 the company was packed and ready to move out and at 2150 the company moved out for battalion start line at the main roads of Athens and Kiffisia.
2205- all platoons had crossed the road and started for their objectives.
2206hrs- Lt Reeves leading No;3 platoon [Kurdish] on reaching the corner of his objective [block one] was challenged. On being challenged the second time he opened fire and the enemy returned heavy fire immediately, No; 3 platoon were under cover but were pinned down. No2 platoon [Assyrian] were behind 3 platoon and now were sent left through gardens and buildings to see if they could give covering fire for No; 3 platoon, this however was not possible due to a seven-foot wall surrounding the objective. 2nd platoon were then ordered to work their way to their own objective, while this was done, Lt Reeves managed to get two sections from his platoon across the road and engage the enemy. This made the enemy withdraw from the area of the gate and into the block of buildings. The remaining section took advantage of this and scaled the gate and wall, the remainder of No; 3 platoon followed and occupied the first block, the enemy forced to withdraw to the second block.
No; 2 platoon worked their way around the buildings, as soon as they came into the open they came under heavy fire from blocks 2 and 3, and from two separate Gun positions. No 1 platoon engaged both gun positions and silenced one with its 2inch Mortar, the enemy returned fire and three Assyrian Levies were hit. No 2 platoon moved forward and engaged the enemy in both blocks, the platoon began to suffer heavy casualties and could not advance any further, Lt Boe managed to get close to the wall and throw a few grenades over, both he and his runner were hit and both were forced back. During this time, a fierce firefight was going on between the Kurdish platoon in block one and the ELAS in block 2 and the Church. [below St Andrew's]
2205- all platoons had crossed the road and started for their objectives.
2206hrs- Lt Reeves leading No;3 platoon [Kurdish] on reaching the corner of his objective [block one] was challenged. On being challenged the second time he opened fire and the enemy returned heavy fire immediately, No; 3 platoon were under cover but were pinned down. No2 platoon [Assyrian] were behind 3 platoon and now were sent left through gardens and buildings to see if they could give covering fire for No; 3 platoon, this however was not possible due to a seven-foot wall surrounding the objective. 2nd platoon were then ordered to work their way to their own objective, while this was done, Lt Reeves managed to get two sections from his platoon across the road and engage the enemy. This made the enemy withdraw from the area of the gate and into the block of buildings. The remaining section took advantage of this and scaled the gate and wall, the remainder of No; 3 platoon followed and occupied the first block, the enemy forced to withdraw to the second block.
No; 2 platoon worked their way around the buildings, as soon as they came into the open they came under heavy fire from blocks 2 and 3, and from two separate Gun positions. No 1 platoon engaged both gun positions and silenced one with its 2inch Mortar, the enemy returned fire and three Assyrian Levies were hit. No 2 platoon moved forward and engaged the enemy in both blocks, the platoon began to suffer heavy casualties and could not advance any further, Lt Boe managed to get close to the wall and throw a few grenades over, both he and his runner were hit and both were forced back. During this time, a fierce firefight was going on between the Kurdish platoon in block one and the ELAS in block 2 and the Church. [below St Andrew's]
No 2 platoon were ordered back for reorganizing, they had been under constant fire for three hours and had three killed and five wounded. No 1 platoon were also ordered back with the intention of getting them around to the right of their objective, they came under heavy fire and could not accomplish the task. Instead they were ordered to occupy a block of buildings on the other side of the road, this was successful and they joined the firefight against block 3.
Jan 3rd 0245hrs- The Company received orders from Battalion Headquarters to remain in position and were informed that Tanks would arrive at first light to assist.
0530hrs- further instructions received, five Tanks would arrive and a company of 2/4 Hampshire’s would follow at 0730 and attack the right flank while the company attacks from the left.
0715hrs- The Tanks arrive and engage the enemy.
0730hrs- the Hampshire’s arrive and began their assault, the enemy remained in action up until the last moment, inflicting two casualties on the Hampshire’s and one on the Levies. One Tank went to the rear of the blocks and inflicted heavy casualties on the ELAS.
0750hrs- The Blocks of houses were cleared, the company reorganized and a thorough search of the buildings began, the following armaments were found:
Jan 3rd 0245hrs- The Company received orders from Battalion Headquarters to remain in position and were informed that Tanks would arrive at first light to assist.
0530hrs- further instructions received, five Tanks would arrive and a company of 2/4 Hampshire’s would follow at 0730 and attack the right flank while the company attacks from the left.
0715hrs- The Tanks arrive and engage the enemy.
0730hrs- the Hampshire’s arrive and began their assault, the enemy remained in action up until the last moment, inflicting two casualties on the Hampshire’s and one on the Levies. One Tank went to the rear of the blocks and inflicted heavy casualties on the ELAS.
0750hrs- The Blocks of houses were cleared, the company reorganized and a thorough search of the buildings began, the following armaments were found:
-Five Breda Machine Guns
-Three 55mm German Mortars
-43 Rifles
-One revolver
-37 Molotov cocktails
-70 grenades
-47 Mortar bombs
-1 barrel and 69 cartons Dynamite
-200 yards fuse
-27,700 rounds small arms ammunition.
-Three 55mm German Mortars
-43 Rifles
-One revolver
-37 Molotov cocktails
-70 grenades
-47 Mortar bombs
-1 barrel and 69 cartons Dynamite
-200 yards fuse
-27,700 rounds small arms ammunition.
This area was used as Head Quarters by the ELAS with 110 heavily armed communist forces defended it. The ELAS suffered 16 casualties during this fight and the parachute company suffered three killed and eight wounded.
Jan 4th 1900hrs- further orders received, the company was to hand over defense to the East Surreys and then move up to Battalion reserve for further operations.
5th Jan, 0730hrs- Company handed over defense and moved out at 0800. At 1000hrs, the company crossed the starting line and by 1200hrs the task was completed without incident, they took up billets within battalion area.
Jan 6th 0700- the company were given a large area to clear, at 0750 they crossed the Battalion starting line and by 1300 the job was completed without incident, only a small amount of ammunition and grenades found.
Jan 8th 0800hrs- the Brigadier of 28th infantry called and thanked the company for its work within its brigade and the company was to return to Hassani. At 1000 the company left for Hassani by Motor Transport and were in their billets by 1100hrs.
Jan 9th 1400hrs- New orders received, the company must return to Italy for operations, priority Air passage given to company but for the next few days the company was grounded due to bad weather.
Jan 15th, The Officer commanding parachute company Major Hudson visited Wing Head Quarters and presented a formal adverse report on the moral of the Assyrian and Kurdish personnel of No 1 Parachute Company resulting from their casualties in the street fighting in Athens. After a lengthy report, the officer-commanding Wing decided to recommend the return of the company to Iraq,
Jan 4th 1900hrs- further orders received, the company was to hand over defense to the East Surreys and then move up to Battalion reserve for further operations.
5th Jan, 0730hrs- Company handed over defense and moved out at 0800. At 1000hrs, the company crossed the starting line and by 1200hrs the task was completed without incident, they took up billets within battalion area.
Jan 6th 0700- the company were given a large area to clear, at 0750 they crossed the Battalion starting line and by 1300 the job was completed without incident, only a small amount of ammunition and grenades found.
Jan 8th 0800hrs- the Brigadier of 28th infantry called and thanked the company for its work within its brigade and the company was to return to Hassani. At 1000 the company left for Hassani by Motor Transport and were in their billets by 1100hrs.
Jan 9th 1400hrs- New orders received, the company must return to Italy for operations, priority Air passage given to company but for the next few days the company was grounded due to bad weather.
Jan 15th, The Officer commanding parachute company Major Hudson visited Wing Head Quarters and presented a formal adverse report on the moral of the Assyrian and Kurdish personnel of No 1 Parachute Company resulting from their casualties in the street fighting in Athens. After a lengthy report, the officer-commanding Wing decided to recommend the return of the company to Iraq,

I asked Sergeant Benyamin Shlimon about this incident and this was his reply:
We were angry and sad for our dead, our wounded were simply discharged and sent home to fend for themselves after a short stay in hospital and our widows received no compensation, but the British widow received a pension for the rest of her life. We wanted the same rights as the British soldier, not everything but enough for our families to survive, it was only fair, the Kurds felt the same and we made our feelings clear to the British officers but they didn’t like it.
Jan 30th 1945, the company returned to Italy and by March was in Habbaniya, Iraq.
Below, I filmed the location, please excuse the amateur commentary.
We were angry and sad for our dead, our wounded were simply discharged and sent home to fend for themselves after a short stay in hospital and our widows received no compensation, but the British widow received a pension for the rest of her life. We wanted the same rights as the British soldier, not everything but enough for our families to survive, it was only fair, the Kurds felt the same and we made our feelings clear to the British officers but they didn’t like it.
Jan 30th 1945, the company returned to Italy and by March was in Habbaniya, Iraq.
Below, I filmed the location, please excuse the amateur commentary.